About My Practice
The consultation office
About My Practice - Some Information
on How I Work
Sometimes we find that our emotions either make no sense, like you can’t possibly feel two things at one time without it being very confusing. We can feel sad or down, and and be unable to put our finger on the why. Or we feel anxious and think, ‘But there’s nothing to be so anxious about.' Sometimes we push others away when what we want deep down is for them to come closer; or we feel so angry and just can’t find a way to voice it. And…sometimes we don't feel much of anything, but we know something's not right? If that sounds familiar to you, I would like to help. There’s a lot that goes into why we feel the way we do, and it will take some time to explore those factors. Some you may already be aware of, and some might require help in order to surface. Through an offering of space, we explore your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors; gradually feeling safe enough to approach those that are more difficult, embarrassing, or heavy to bear.
If you're part of a couple seeking help, my job is to treat the couple rather than you as individuals. I will be thinking about the kind of relationship the partners have created and what expectations, some conscious and some less conscious, each individual brings into the relationship. I work to remain neutral and focused on the relationship as a whole.
I invite you to call or email me if you would like to ask more questions about the therapy process or to get started in therapy: ashley.mason@hey.com.
I practice psychoanalytic psychotherapy, having completed advanced training in object relations theory. What does that mean for you? Sometimes we will use our relationship as a means for understanding how you operate in the world. We might di.scuss what you're feeling toward me, our relationship, and the work we're doing. It’s like our own private laboratory where we get to examine how you behave in real time. It will also mean that you and I will approach getting to know you by leaving no stone unturned - everything you do and say has meaning. It’s not that I will point out every single thing for discussion; it just means that all the stuff you want to put aside as meaningless, I’m probably going to point you in the direction of thinking about its meaning.
It can be frightening at first, but you get used to it. This method requires you to feel some amount of curiosity about yourself and how you operate in the world. Our main focus will be on making you more aware of yourself and most of your behaviors so that you can make an informed decision about how you’d like to move forward. Do you want to keep behaving the same way? Do you want to try something different? The choice will be up to you, and I mean that - there’s no agenda. You set the agenda and you decide what you want to be different in your life. I just help you get there.
It's important that we all take time for ourselves and invest in our own development, and I feel grateful to help others along that journey.
M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Westminster College; SLC, UT
Post-Baccalaureate in Psychology: Columbia University; NY, NY
B.A. in Political Science: Emory University; ATL, GA
Object Relations - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from International Psychotherapy Institute
Couples Psychotherapy - International Psychotherapy Institute
I am currently located in Salt Lake City, UT. I will be moving in May 2023 to Miami, Florida. I will only be accepting patients who would be comfortable with or simply wish to meet online only.