EVIDENCE for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (aka Psychodynamic Therapy)
Research studies:
Efficacy of Psychodynamic Therapy (and long-term effectiveness)
Psychoanalytic techniques are backed by neuroscience here, here, and here.
While I’m at it, evidence for studying your dreams is here.
Psychoanalytic treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder here.
And one more here.
There’s also my own personal experience. I’ve been treated using this type of therapy, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. The moment a therapist were to ask me to write something down or come up with a list or do homework or ask me to change my thought or try to teach me something in a session, I would roll my eyes and bolt. I would rather have something deeper. What I’d been needing my whole life was a deep and meaningful relationship with a person I could trust as well as with MYSELF. All of that other stuff just simply gets in the way.
The therapy helped replace the negative voices in my head over time in an authentic way, without pressuring or forcing it.
EVIDENCE for virtual/online therapy
Research studies:
Efficacy of online psychodynamic work
Efficacy of online therapy here, here, and here.
And again, there’s my own personal experience. I started therapy, while living in a different country, using a video platform. I was quite literally at the exact opposite place in the world as my therapist. I’ve also met with her online while living on different coasts. And I’ve of course met with her in-person. I’m not exaggerating when I say the difference is indistinguishable.
EVIDENCE for Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Narcissism:
As a clinician, I have found this to be the single most powerful technique I’ve ever used for narcissistic personality symptoms.